
NeuroDataReHack 2023 – CEBRA workshop

Open In Colab

This example notebook is part of the CEBRA workshop done at NeuroDataReHack 2023 in Granada, Spain.

It is recommended that you run this notebook directly in Google colab, but if you are fine with a manual install, you can set it up on your local environment as well.


This tutorial uses CEBRA, a contrastive learning algorithm for building embeddings from different data-modalities in neuroscience, such as neural and behavioral data.

Some useful links:

If you like the software, please give it a star on github :)

Additional software dependencies

We will use a few software libraries for data loading and processing, including:

We will install some requirements now:

# This installs the requirements listed above with the latest version of CEBRA
! pip install -q --no-cache-dir dandi nlb_tools pynwb git+ 2>/dev/null

# You can also install the latest version of CEBRA available on PyPI using
#! pip install -q --no-cache-dir dandi nlb_tools pynwb cebra
  Installing build dependencies ... [?25l[?25hdone
  Getting requirements to build wheel ... [?25l[?25hdone
  Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... [?25l[?25hdone

The following global configuration variables are useful if you want to run all cells in the notebook at once.

If TRAIN_MODELS is the to True, the notebook will train a set of CEBRA models from scratch which will take a few minutes. If you set it to False, pre-trained models will be downloaded from FigShare, allowing faster exploration.

If you want to train the models yourself, MAX_ITERATIONS is used below to limit the number of training steps. On the dataset we’re going to use, about 15,000 steps seems to be a good number. For quickly testing that the notebook runs through, you can also specify less steps.


Dataset preparation and exploration

Dataset download

This tutorial uses the RTT dataset [1] from Makin et al., 2018. A few additional ressources on the dataset are available here:

Dataset credits:

[1] O’Doherty, Joseph E., Cardoso, Mariana M. B., Makin, Joseph G., & Sabes, Philip N. (2020). Nonhuman Primate Reaching with Multichannel Sensorimotor Cortex Electrophysiology [Data set]. Zenodo.

[2] Makin, J.G., O’Doherty, J.E., Cardoso, M.M. and Sabes, P.N., 2018. Superior arm-movement decoding from cortex with a new, unsupervised-learning algorithm. Journal of neural engineering, 15(2), p.026010.

! dandi download
2023-09-05 09:25:49,832 [    INFO] NumExpr defaulting to 2 threads.
PATH                                                     SIZE     DONE    DONE% CHECKSUM STATUS    MESSAGE          
000129/dandiset.yaml                                                                     skipped   no change        
000129/sub-Indy/sub-Indy_desc-test_ecephys.nwb                                           error     FileExistsError  
000129/sub-Indy/sub-Indy_desc-train_behavior+ecephys.nwb                                 error     FileExistsError  
Summary:                                                 0 Bytes  0 Bytes                1 skipped 1 no change      
                                                         +51.0 MB 0.00%                  2 error   2 FileExistsError
2023-09-05 09:25:54,942 [    INFO] Logs saved in /root/.cache/dandi-cli/log/20230905092548Z-33778.log

Dataset loading

We will now load the dataset using nlb_tools. More detail and additional plots are also provided in the NLB repository, and in the nlb_tools source code.

For convenience, we’ll simply load the dataset keys as variables directly into the global namespace of the notebook (e.g., spikes, cursor_pos, etc.).

To make computations a bit faster, we will bin the whole dataset into 20ms bins. Feel free to vary this parameter (but note that smaller bin sizes will take a bit longer to train).

import numpy as np
from nlb_tools.nwb_interface import NWBDataset

class Dataset(NWBDataset):

    def __init__(self):

        super().__init__("./000129/sub-Indy", "*train", split_heldout=False)
        self.resample(target_bin = 20)

        for signal_type in set( = 0)):
            setattr(self, signal_type,[signal_type].values)

        values = [tuple(v) for v in self.target_pos]
        unique_values = list(sorted(set([v for v in values if not np.isnan(v).any()])))
        self.target_pos_idx = np.array([-1 if np.isnan(v).any() else unique_values.index(v) for v in values], dtype = int)

dataset = Dataset()

print("Loaded dataset:")
finger_pos (32455, 3)
target_pos (32455, 2)
spikes (32455, 130)
finger_vel (32455, 2)
cursor_pos (32455, 2)
Loaded dataset:
signal_type cursor_pos finger_pos finger_vel spikes target_pos
channel x y x y z x y 201 203 204 ... 9201 9203 9301 9403 9501 9502 9601 9602 x y
0 days 00:00:00 -2.291894 29.804970 -2.285280 29.793050 49.734907 0.687648 -1.302546 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.5 52.5
0 days 00:00:00.020000 -4.729784 61.716366 -4.712008 61.687814 103.027237 1.709249 -3.072933 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.5 52.5
0 days 00:00:00.040000 -4.111395 54.078738 -4.094851 54.053797 90.357359 1.877808 -3.158982 0.0 1.0 0.0 ... 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.5 52.5
0 days 00:00:00.060000 -4.394558 58.233410 -4.376490 58.206869 97.376227 2.411500 -3.859006 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -7.5 52.5
0 days 00:00:00.080000 -4.133870 55.408485 -4.112566 55.378696 92.765626 2.897537 -4.433531 0.0 0.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.5 52.5

5 rows × 139 columns

Data Visualization

From the previous step, we know that the dataset contains a range of different behavioral variables. Here we visualize one of them, the cursor position cursor_pos along with the target position target_pos.

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def pretty_plot(ax = None):
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()
    sns.despine(ax=ax, trim = True)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize = (15,5))

axes[0].set_title("Cursor position")
axes[0].plot(dataset.cursor_pos[:, 0], dataset.cursor_pos[:, 1], alpha = .8, c = "black", linewidth = 0.1)
axes[0].scatter(dataset.target_pos[:, 0], dataset.target_pos[:, 1], s = 10, alpha = 1, c = "C0")
axes[0].set_xlabel("X Cursor Position")
axes[0].set_xlabel("Y Cursor Position")

axes[1].set_title("Spikes (binned to 20ms)")
axes[1].imshow(dataset.spikes[:, :].T > 0, cmap = "gray_r", aspect = "auto")
axes[1].set_xlabel("Time Bin")
axes[1].set_xlabel("Unit #")


Additional notes

Note that the dataset is provided in two splits, and here we only use the train section of the data. Hence, a few numbers in the dataset will have NaN values, as visualized below.

If you are interested in training a model on the full dataset, you can load the whole dataset by running

dataset = NWBDataset("./000129/sub-Indy", "*", split_heldout=False)

instead of

dataset = NWBDataset("./000129/sub-Indy", "*train", split_heldout=False)

above. Here is a visualization:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize = (10,2))
plt.suptitle("NaN values across time bins")
axes[0].plot(np.isnan(dataset.cursor_pos).any(axis = 1))
axes[1].plot(np.isnan(dataset.spikes).any(axis = 1))
for ax in axes: pretty_plot(ax)


CEBRA Analysis

We will now use the CEBRA software library to train and visualize a model on the RTT dataset. cebra.CEBRA is the main model class using our high-level sci-kit learn interface for training models.

Extensive documentation on possible parameters is provided in the API docs.

The demo notebooks provide additional guidance on how to set parameters in different application scenarios.

Model setup

import cebra

def init_model():
    return cebra.CEBRA(
        # Our selected model will use 10 time bins (200ms) as its input
        model_architecture = "offset10-model",

        # We will use mini-batches of size 1000 for optimization. You should
        # generally pick a number greater than 512, and larger values (if they
        # fit into memory) are generally better.
        batch_size = 1000,

        # This is the number of steps to train. I ran an example with 10_000
        # which resulted in a usable embedding, but training longer might further
        # improve the results
        max_iterations = MAX_ITERATIONS,

        # This will be the number of output features. The optimal number depends
        # on the complexity of the dataset.
        output_dimension = 8,

        # If you want to see a progress bar during training, specify this
        verbose = True

        # There are many more parameters to explore. Head to
        # to explore them.

model = init_model()

Model training

We’ll remove the NaN timesteps (the test-set) here, and only train on the remaining time-steps. We use spikes and the cursor position here.

Question: Try to use other behavior variables for supervision. How do they influence the embeddings?

After training, you can optionally save the model. Just remember that in google colab, the local storage will be cleared at some point. So if you want to keep your model, move it e.g. to your google drive, or download it.

If the global TRAIN_MODELS flag is set to False (see top of the notebook), we’ll just load a pre-trained model at this point. The models are stored on FigShare.

is_nan = np.isnan(dataset.spikes).any(axis = 1) # we'll filter the NaN values here
    # Optionally, save the model
    ! wget -qO -nc
    ! unzip -o
    model = cebra.CEBRA.load("230904_dandi_model_example.pth")
 extracting: 230904_dandi_model_example.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_target_pos_index_15k.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_finger_vel_15k.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_finger_pos_15k.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_cursor_pos_15k.pth  

Plots below are generated with a model I trained. Results might look different for you, but the embeddings will be consistent up to a linear transform with my model!

Loss curve during training

We will first check the loss value. CEBRA is trained with an InfoNCE loss. In the worst case, the loss will have value log(batch_size) which corresponds to a “random” / non-meaningful embedding.

import math

cebra.plot_loss(model, label = "Loss curve")

plt.axhline(math.log(model.batch_size), c = "gray", label = "Random embedding")
plt.legend(frameon = False, loc = (.5, .5))
plt.title("CEBRA loss curve")


Embedding Visualization

After confirming that the loss curve converges, we can check the embeddings.

is_nan = np.isnan(dataset.spikes).any(axis = 1) # we'll filter the NaN values here

embedding = model.transform(dataset.spikes[~is_nan])

We can conveniently plot embeddings using the cebra.plot_embedding helper function. Here we plot the embedding against the cursor x and y coordinates

ax_x = cebra.plot_embedding(embedding, embedding_labels = dataset.cursor_pos[~is_nan, 0], title = "label: cursor x pos")
ax_x.view_init(azim = 180)

ax_y = cebra.plot_embedding(embedding, embedding_labels = dataset.cursor_pos[~is_nan, 1], title = "label: cursor y pos")
ax_y.view_init(azim = 180)



Note that the embedding is 8-dimensional. While the y dimension looked pretty well correlated with the embedding, this seems less the case for the x dimension.

The chosen dimensions above ([0,1,2]) are arbitrarily picked. Let’s improve this in the following and explore more dimension in the embedding! A useful strategy to filter the best dimensions to visualize is to run a regression model against each embedding dimension and compute the R² score:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

score = np.zeros(embedding.shape[1])
for dim in range(embedding.shape[1]):
    X,y = embedding[:,dim:dim+1], dataset.cursor_pos[~is_nan]
    score[dim] = LinearRegression().fit(X, y).score(X, y)

print("All scores:\t", score.round(3))
All scores:	 [0.177 0.023 0.294 0.316 0.284 0.254 0.147 0.269]
best_idc = np.argsort(-score)[:3]

print("Best scores:\t", score[best_idc].round(3))
print("For indices:\t", best_idc)
Best scores:	 [0.316 0.294 0.284]
For indices:	 [3 2 4]

Now, let’s visualize the three dimensions with the best scores:

ax = cebra.plot_embedding(
    embedding[:, best_idc],
    embedding_labels = dataset.cursor_pos[~is_nan, 0],
    title = "label: cursor x pos"

ax = cebra.plot_embedding(
    embedding[:, best_idc],
    embedding_labels = dataset.cursor_pos[~is_nan, 1],
    title = "label: cursor y pos"



Next steps

A lot of additional demo notebooks are available on the CEBRA homepage. The techniques discussed there are also useful for adding analysis to this tutorial notebook. Possible tutorial questions to investigate are listed below each of the references.


Steffen Schneider (if you have questions about this notebook):


Supplementary Material

Training multiple CEBRA models

# Training more models


    model_cursor_pos = init_model()
    model_finger_vel = init_model()
    model_finger_pos = init_model()
    model_target_pos_index = init_model()

    # Here is how to save the models locally"230905_model_cursor_pos_15k.pth")"230905_model_finger_vel_15k.pth")"230905_model_finger_pos_15k.pth")"230905_model_target_pos_index_15k.pth")

    ! wget -qO -nc
    ! unzip -o

    model_cursor_pos = cebra.CEBRA.load("230905_model_cursor_pos_15k.pth")
    model_finger_vel = cebra.CEBRA.load("230905_model_finger_vel_15k.pth")
    model_finger_pos = cebra.CEBRA.load("230905_model_finger_pos_15k.pth")
    model_target_pos_index = cebra.CEBRA.load("230905_model_target_pos_index_15k.pth")
 extracting: 230904_dandi_model_example.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_target_pos_index_15k.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_finger_vel_15k.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_finger_pos_15k.pth  
 extracting: 230905_model_cursor_pos_15k.pth  

Comparing different model loss curves

Below we visualize the InfoNCE loss (goodness of fit, lower is better) for various models trained with different behavioral variables.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


plt.title("Comparison of loss functions")

cebra.plot_loss(model_cursor_pos, ax = plt.gca(), label = "cursor position", color = "C0")
cebra.plot_loss(model_finger_vel, ax = plt.gca(), label = "finger velocity", color = "C1")
cebra.plot_loss(model_finger_pos, ax = plt.gca(), label = "finger position", color = "C2")
cebra.plot_loss(model_target_pos_index, ax = plt.gca(), label = "target position", color = "C3")
plt.legend(frameon = False)


Embedding Visualization

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

def get_best_indices_for_label(embedding, label):
    score = np.zeros(embedding.shape[1])
    for dim in range(embedding.shape[1]):
        X,y = embedding[:,dim:dim+1], dataset.cursor_pos[~is_nan]
        score[dim] = LinearRegression().fit(X, y).score(X, y)

    return np.argsort(-score)[:3]
label_names = {
    "cursor_pos" : model_cursor_pos,
    "finger_vel" : model_finger_vel,
    "finger_pos" : model_finger_pos

for label_name, model in label_names.items():

    embedding = model.transform(dataset.spikes[~is_nan])
    label = getattr(dataset, label_name)[~is_nan]
    idc = get_best_indices_for_label(embedding, label)

    for dimension in range(label.shape[1]):
        dimension_label = "xyz"[dimension]
            embedding[:, idc],
            embedding_labels = label[:, dimension],
            title = f"{label_name}, {dimension_label}"






